
Abans has adopted the following Privacy Policy, which is applicable to all personally identifiable information provided by you through the website. Abans clearly reserves the sole discretion and absolute right to change this Privacy Policy periodically in the future without giving any prior notice to the users. The users can review our “Privacy Policy” available on our website to stay updated with our practices and procedures.


As a part of the normal operations of our website, we collect and, in some cases, may disclose personally identifiable information about you. We may collect your name, address, e-mail address, telephone numbers and other personally identifiable information submitted by you on the website. This information is protected and will not be posted on any open website viewable by the people.

Use of provided information

Our primary aim is to provide you with a seamless, efficient and customized experience. We may collect personally identifiable information about you to provide services and features which are most likely to meet your needs and expectations and to customize the website in an improvised manner. We use personally identifiable information from the files maintained about you and other information obtained from your current and past activities on the website.

Disclosure of private information

Due to the existing regulatory environment, we cannot ensure or guarantee that all of your private communications and personal information will never be disclosed. Under certain situations, we may be required to disclose such information to the government, law enforcement agencies or third parties. Third parties may unlawfully access transmissions or private communications. Authorized users may independently abuse or misuse your information. Therefore, although we ensure that information security practices protect your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect that your provided information will always be private.

However, we do not sell or rent any personally identifiable information about you to any third party. Our companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures will follow all privacy practices.


Abans may use reasonable security measures to safeguard and protect the confidentiality of your personal information, such as firewalls, Secure Socket Layers (SSL) and other physical and electronic security measures. However, you agree and acknowledge that absolute security doesn’t exist on the Internet.